Rera Registration For Promoters – Complete Information

Rera Registration For Promoters: The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, commonly referred to as RERA, is a regulatory framework that aims to protect the interests of homebuyers and promote transparency and accountability in the real estate sector. The act requires all real estate developers or promoters to register their projects with the state’s RERA authority before they can advertise or sell their properties to buyers. RERA registration for promoters is essential to ensure that the projects are developed and delivered as per the promised timelines, quality standards, and specifications. In this outline, we will discuss the eligibility criteria, procedure, obligations, and consequences of non-compliance with RERA regulations for promoters.

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Purpose of RERA registration for promoters

The purpose of RERA registration for promoters is to ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in the real estate sector in India. RERA stands for Real Estate Regulation and Development Act, which was introduced in 2016 to regulate the real estate industry and protect the interests of homebuyers.

By mandating RERA registration for promoters, the government aims to bring about several key benefits, such as:

Increased Transparency

Promoters are required to disclose all project-related information, including the project’s status, approvals, and timelines. This helps to create transparency and build trust among homebuyers.


RERA provisions impose various obligations on promoters, such as maintaining a separate bank account for each project, delivering possession on time, and rectifying any structural defects. This helps to create accountability and ensures that promoters are held responsible for their actions.

Protection of Homebuyers

RERA provisions protect the interests of homebuyers by mandating that promoters register their projects with the RERA authority, adhere to timelines, and disclose all relevant information. This helps to ensure that homebuyers are not subjected to fraudulent practices and unfair treatment.

Streamlined Processes

RERA provisions also aim to streamline processes related to project approvals, registration, and dispute resolution. This helps to create a more efficient and effective real estate sector, benefiting all stakeholders.

Overall, the purpose of RERA registration for promoters is to create a fair, transparent, and accountable real estate sector where homebuyers are protected, and promoters are held responsible for their actions.

Also Read: What is RERA and its benefits?

Benefits of RERA Registration For Promoters

RERA registration for promoters has several benefits, including:

Improved Credibility and Trust

RERA registration helps to improve the credibility and trust of promoters in the eyes of homebuyers, as it demonstrates their commitment to transparency and accountability.

Greater Market Visibility

RERA registration enables promoters to showcase their projects on the RERA website, which is accessible to homebuyers and other stakeholders. This helps to increase market visibility and exposure.

Access to Funding

Many financial institutions and banks require RERA registration as a prerequisite for providing loans to promoters. Therefore, RERA registration can provide access to funding and financing options.

Protection Against Legal Disputes

RERA registration can protect promoters against legal disputes and claims, as it provides a platform for dispute resolution and helps to ensure compliance with legal regulations.

Streamlined Processes

RERA provisions help to streamline processes related to project approvals, registration, and dispute resolution, which can save time and costs for promoters.

Competitive Advantage

RERA registration can provide a competitive advantage to promoters, as it demonstrates their commitment to transparency, accountability, and compliance with legal regulations.

Eligibility for RERA Registration

To register a real estate project under RERA, a promoter must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

Definition of Promoter

A promoter is defined as a person or a group of persons who initiates and controls a real estate project. It could be a builder, developer, landowner, or any other person responsible for marketing, selling, or developing a project.

Criteria For RERA Registration For Promoters

  1. The project must have a minimum land area of 500 square meters, or the number of apartments proposed in the project is more than eight.
  2. The promoter should have a valid PAN card.
  3. The promoter should not have any criminal record or been declared insolvent.
  4. The promoter should have a valid address proof and a bank account in India.

Documents required for RERA registration for promoters

The following documents are required for RERA registration for promoters:

  1. Project details, including location, site plan, and layout plan.
  2. Details of the promoter, such as PAN card, address proof, and bank account details.
  3. Details of the project’s architect, engineer, and contractor.
  4. Approval and NOC from the concerned authorities.
  5. Details of the project’s timeline and completion status.
  6. Any other documents as required by the RERA authority.

Procedure for RERA Registration for Promoters

The procedure for RERA registration for promoters involves the following steps:

Step-by-step Guide For RERA Registration

  1. Create an account on the state’s RERA website.
  2. Fill in the RERA registration form with all the necessary details.
  3. Attach all the required documents, including project details, promoter details, and approvals.
  4. Pay the applicable RERA registration fees.
  5. Submit the application and wait for the RERA authority’s approval.
  6. On approval, the promoter will receive a RERA registration number, which must be displayed on all project-related documents and advertisements.

Documents Required For RERA Registration

The documents required for RERA registration for promoters are as follows:

  1. Project details, including location, site plan, and layout plan.
  2. Details of the promoter, such as PAN card, address proof, and bank account details.
  3. Details of the project’s architect, engineer, and contractor.
  4. Approval and NOC from the concerned authorities.
  5. Details of the project’s timeline and completion status.
  6. Any other documents as required by the RERA authority.

Fees For RERA Registration For Promoters

The fees for RERA registration for promoters vary from state to state. Generally, the fees are calculated based on the project’s size and location. The fees must be paid online through the state’s RERA website. The fees paid are non-refundable.

Obligations of Promoters after RERA Registration

After obtaining RERA registration, promoters have certain obligations towards the buyers and the RERA authority. These obligations are as follows:

Disclosure Requirements

  1. The promoter must disclose all project-related information, including the project’s layout plan, site plan, and the status of approvals.
  2. The promoter must update the project’s status on the RERA website every three months.
  3. The promoter must disclose the carpet area, built-up area, and super built-up area of the apartments.
  4. The promoter must disclose the project’s timeline and the penalties for delayed possession.

Obligations Towards The Allottees

  1. The promoter must execute the sale agreement with the buyer and register it within three months of the allotment.
  2. The promoter must adhere to the timeline promised in the agreement and deliver the possession on or before the agreed date.
  3. The promoter must rectify any structural defects or deficiencies within five years of possession.

Compliance with RERA provisions

  1. The promoter must maintain a separate bank account for each project and deposit 70% of the amount received from buyers in that account.
  2. The promoter must obtain all necessary approvals before selling or advertising the project.
  3. The promoter must not make any changes to the project’s plan, layout, or specifications without the buyer’s consent.
  4. The promoter must comply with all other RERA provisions, such as maintaining proper records, resolving disputes, and complying with orders and directions issued by the RERA authority.

Failure to comply with these obligations may result in penalties and other consequences as per the RERA provisions.

Conclusion: Rera Registration For Promoters

Rera Registration For Promoters: In conclusion, RERA registration for promoters is a crucial step towards ensuring transparency and accountability in the real estate sector. Promoters must adhere to the RERA provisions and fulfill their obligations towards the buyers and the RERA authority. Failure to comply with the RERA regulations can lead to severe consequences, such as penalties, imprisonment, revocation of RERA registration, and a loss of reputation. Therefore, it is essential for promoters to understand the RERA provisions and comply with them to avoid any legal or financial repercussions. This will help build trust among buyers and promote a healthy and transparent real estate market in India.


Who is a promoter under RERA?

A promoter is defined under RERA as a person or entity that develops real estate projects for sale to the public. This can include individuals, partnership firms, companies, and other entities.

What is the eligibility criteria for RERA registration for promoters?

Promoters are required to fulfill certain eligibility criteria, such as having a registered entity, a bank account for the project, and a track record of completing projects on time.

What is the process for RERA registration for promoters?

The process for RERA registration involves submitting the necessary documents and fees to the respective state RERA authority. The promoter must also comply with various provisions related to project disclosures, timelines, and accountability.

What are the obligations of promoters after RERA registration?

Promoters are required to fulfill various obligations under RERA, such as maintaining a separate bank account for each project, disclosing project-related information, adhering to timelines, and rectifying any structural defects.

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